
Showing posts from May, 2021

Shimanski Jewelry House

Shimanski Jewelry House Yesterday we were at a party, which is usually organized once a year, before the start of the tourist season, by the owners of the jewelry business for the guides. This technique was made by the Shimanski Jewelry House. There were a lot of people, catering was ordered from the well-known restaurant “Moi”, a feature of which is the painting in the style of “braid” faces to visitors – little white dots, form a variety of unique patterns. The owner Air Shamanskie himself, by the way, not at all elderly, as we would like to imagine, about forty years old, arranged a lottery with his employees. The first prize was a plasma TV. Meeting with diamonds is always a delight, this time I really liked the pendants, into which the rough – almost flat diamonds were set – they had an amazing shade – noble gray, beige – of different tones. I read the history of the creation of Shimanski – it turns out that there is no history. Air arrived in South Africa in 1991, before that he

Life in Cape Town. Karla.

Karla. Today I will tell you about a girl named Karla, whom I made friends with and who became my model. I met her long before we moved to Cape Town. Once walking along the Waterfront, Rada and I went to one of the jewellery stores to get acquainted with the management. In the store, I noticed a girl who was completely unusual. She was very thin with the figure of a teenager, and her face resembled those of medieval princesses. The high and very prominent forehead reminded me of the times when women specially shaved their forehead hair to match the fashion. I remembered her well and even then told Rada that I would like to see her as my model. Years passed, I began to work as a guide and, already at work, together with tourists, I somehow went to this store. Just at that time Karla was at work and I told her about my desire and invited her to my studio. So we met, I painted several artworks dedicated to this unusual girl. Karla is more like a time traveler in this world, she is not mod

ОГХУ им. Грекова. Хроника 1865-1938

 Но как Одесская Рисовальная Школа преобразовывалась в училище, институт, академию, мастерские, техникум, училище..... вы сможете увидеть в хронике 1865-1938. Фото 1938 года. И так -  ХРОНИКА 1865-1938  1865. 30 мая (11 июня н. ст.) – «открыта школа рисования и черчения при 30 учениках» в доме Райха на Коблевской.  Директором школы избран Ф. Мальман. «В первый год существования школы, по причине весьма ограниченных денежных средств, изъявили желание бесплатно заниматься преподаванием: г.г. Ф.О. Моранди, Р. Хайнацкий [Хойнацкий] (вице-директор), Петр Бони, Цезарь Бони, М. Паламаренко [Пономаренко], г. Ниель, В. Фон-Рентель, И.В. Крушинский и Р. Федоровец. […] Кроме обыкновенных классов, в воскресные дни учреждены были с 20 июня 1865 года “классы воскресные”  для бесплатных учеников… […] Для дам и девиц был устроен особый класс, в котором преподаванием занималась А.И. Шейнс (урожд. Демоль). Кроме того, вследствие изъявленного со стороны некоторых учеников желания изучать лепное искусство

The sacred story of The TREE of LIFE. 12

    Her voice disappeared into the breathless silence, While out of the ground Hungry branches began to rise And from the billowing dust to reach for her silvery body: "Oh Great Spirit - how terrible they were!" They weren't like her hands But they looked like huge flexible vines Tearing apart the earth's crust With jagged chunks of granite And diamonds and gold The most terrible minerals.   These branches, as we will call them henceforth, Descended on it together with others From the top of the monstrous trunk Reminiscent of such a huge baobab That ever grew up on earth. In the middle of a huge trunk Dozens of bleeding eyes bulged out That burned with hungry, depraved fire, While below the evil mouth smiled with a distorted grimace With thousands of protruding fangs. As the hidden mouth of a crocodile Licking granite lips   From these branches grew A huge udder dripping with a liquid like honey It doesn't burn on other trees, this tree had roots that it used, Lik