
Showing posts from March, 2022

Save my Ukraine!

  Now I am far from home and a whole month has passed since that one terrible day- 24 of February, when I woke my husband up with the words: "Get up, it has begun." A whole month and the pain in my soul does not subside. From time to time I meet people, my native Ukrainians with small flags, mostly women with children and just single women. I mentally want to go up to them and hug them. But I can’t, I can’t, because my soul is torn from pain and my heart cannot hear terrible stories. Forgive me, relatives, that I quietly pass by. And now about the artwork: I painted this painting in sunny and happy Cape Town in 2011 - it is one of my "Angels" series. With this series, it didn’t work for me, the work, either by chance or by the unwillingness of the Universe to accept my theme, began to deteriorate in the galleries, one after another. They got hurt and I stopped. I repainted this artwork, now it is completely different and turned into "Lady Autumn and Lady

Today I am not up to my stories.

Image Yes, today I am not up to my stories, I have no desire to entertain the public and keep track of how many people visited my site. Inhumans attacked my beautiful country. They came up with some kind of non-existent neo-Nazis and tell the whole world fables. Ukrainians are wonderful people, but we were not very lucky with the previous presidents who plundered our country, this was a problem. But we were quite capable of overcoming all difficulties and leading our Ukraine to a new path. But today we are expelled from our land and do not know what will happen to us in the near future. We live in the present moment and it is like a stuck reality in which nothing happens. The shock has not yet passed, but the realization has come that we should not accept in our soul the realization that we are victims. I am against it, realizing that self-pity will get you nowhere. We have the present and we are very strong. We will spread

War and Gallery.

 My gallery as a group has existed since May 4, 2020, before that the Binovskaya Gallery in the virtual world was a page and I led it for many, many years, as soon as FB appeared. This helped me, because in my ordinary and non-internet life I was a gallery owner and for more than 20 years I was engaged in the promotion of Ukrainian art, having 2 galleries, the Na Uyutnaya gallery and the Maritime Art gallery. Living in the limited space of one country, and later joining the world community, it became very important for me to convey to my artist friends the idea that the world of art is large and diverse. I discovered new names and new works and shared them with my friends! But today war has come to my world and all my thoughts are with my country and the misfortune that overtook us. I cannot refuse my mission, but while I will show you the works of artists who survived and are experiencing the horrors of war, forgive me. Моя галерея как группа существует с 4 мая 2020 года, до этого Бин

12 day of War

 07.03.2022 В это время в моей жизни все смешалось и я больше не могу публиковать свои истории в хронологическом порядке. Больше не будет моих южноафриканских историй, мне так кажется. То что происходит с нами сейчас невозможно осмыслить. Я не могу сказать, что вся моя семья находится сейчас в опасностью- нет. У нас есть место в красивейшем городе Кипра в Лимассоле, которое нам предоставил как убежище друг и партнёр по бизнесу наших детей Крис . Мы искренне и до глубины нашей души признательны за это . Но наша дальнейшая судьба никому не известна. Вчера нас всем семейством пригласили на обед и накормили до отвала . В другие времена я бы очень подробно рассказала о замечательной деревушки и в которой мы побывали, но сейчас попробую загрузить фото. Может потом когда нибудь. Когда починю свой комп, я смогу это все сделать, а пока так .