
Showing posts from August, 2021

New Year from the Russian Embassy in Cape Town

New Year from the Russian Embassy in Cape Town On New Year's Eve, the consul of Russia, with whom the Rada made friends, invited us to a children's holiday. For the first time, our children saw how they celebrate the New Year in Ukraine and Russia. It was a big surprise for them, but this year they were still quite small and it is not clear what impression it made on them. There was a bearded Father Frost and a not very young and very loud Snow Maiden.  Children do not know Russian, and it was difficult for them to communicate with Russian-speaking children. But in any case, it was real entertainment for them.   Новый год от посольства России в Кейптауне Накануне Нового года, консул России, с которым подружилась Рада пригласил нас на детский праздник. Наши дети впервые увидели как празднуют Новый год в Украине и России. Для них это был большой сюрприз, но они в этом году были еще совсем маленькие и непонятно, какое это произвело на них впечатление. Был бородатый Дед Мороз и не

Cape Town. Camps Bay Beach, part 2.

December Camps Bay. Part 2 Beach, long live the beach! Camps Bay and Its Stories. Stories about paragliders descending from the sky on multi-coloured parachutes. Looking at them, I conceived a wish that when I turn 90, I will definitely jump off Lion's Head Mountain. I am very afraid, but in the 90's it is no longer scary - dying in flight is a real fairy tale that can come true! On the beaches, I meet my future models. Many vacationers become characters in my works. It's always fun and not boring, especially in the company of our grandchildren. Please see the story about ice cream sellers - it's a real song. If you could hear their invocations and see their very proud faces, these people are happy that they have a job. And the boy selling souvenirs! He is also my model and in the next article, I will try to show you the work on the impression of our walks! Stay with me and you will not be bored! Декабрь 2012 Кемпс Бей, часть

Life in Cape Town. My Art studio on Fresnaye.

My art studio in Fresnaye. “The place where I do my painting is the place of my complete freedom and where I am completely and to the depths of my soul myself! My art studios, or as we called at that time workshops, changed in life. I started on Uyutnaya Street in a semi-basement room, where I did not have enough light. At that time I was looking for myself and my paintings were always very bright. This was primarily influenced by my excellent teacher Konstantin Filatov, it was he who showed me the brightness of the palette. Later, when the Maritime Gallery was built, a real fairy tale surrounded on three sides by the sea, my workshop moved directly to the gallery. The work space was small, but next to a huge window. This affected my work and it became a little more restrained, but not for long! Soon we left for Cape Town, of course, I did not have the opportunity to rent a separate studio, but there was a wonderful window and I could work in the most wonderful way right in the apartme