My dreams. Dream 1.

Yesterday and today I had interesting dreams and I will find it necessary to write them down. First dream. We recently watched the Italian TV series Gomorrah and it impressed me. Once we visited Naples and did not even imagine how scary it is to live there. The whole city is filled with drugs and this is the meaning of life for the entire population of the city. During our trip, we visited a local arcade, which is probably available in every city in Italy. In any case, in Milan, where I was also recently, there is a similar passage. Probably these memories were reflected in my dream. Together with my friend, I ended up in the HUB for Artists. Recently, this word and concept have taken root in Ukraine. But here usually these habs are provided for the workplaces of young people who do not have a permanent office. In my dream, it was a huge building, with very high ceilings, the corridors diverged from the centre in different directions and were endless. The walls in the building were not...