
Showing posts from August, 2024

August 30, 2024! Our Marseille’s birthday!

August 30, 2024! Our Marseille's birthday! Marseille has always been and will be my favorite model! She's turning 17!!! Be a happy, sweet girl, and may your new step in life be filled with new interesting meetings, the joy of communication, and just happiness! Happy Birthday 30 серпня 2024! У нашої дівчинки Марсель день народження! Марсель завжди була і буде моєю улюбленою моделлю! Їй виповнюється 17!!! Будь щаслива, мила дівчинка, і нехай твоя нова сходинка в житті буде наповнена новими цікавими зустрічами, радістю спілкування і просто щастям! З днем ​​народження!!!

Friday news from Limassol. August, 2024

The last week of August can be called more bearable. The air temperature is gradually dropping. We still sleep under the fan, it is impossible to do otherwise. But the onset of autumn is just around the corner and it can be felt. I have two new students, girls with very beautiful names – Ethel and Hannah. Ethel is 7 years old, and Hannah is 5. It is nice that the girls like to draw, and I am also very pleased about this. Georgiy has started working on the painting “Underwater World”, but is in no hurry to finish it. He keeps putting it off until tomorrow. And I found and have already finished watching another Brazilian series, Dom, this time film turned out to be very exciting and truthful, I even singled out the director's name for myself, Brino Silveira. The film is powerful! And whoever talks and jokes about Brazilian serials, I will tell you, both the actors and the productions of the films, everything is at a very high level and they cannot be compared with what Netflix shows.

November in Odesa. 2021

How I love walking along our embankment. I love doing it at any time of the year, especially when the weather and the elements manifest themselves in full force. Admire these hanging clouds filled with life-giving moisture. What happiness it is – rain.   This can be felt especially keenly being here in Cyprus. Where not a single drop of rain has fallen for the last 7 months. And in general, the climate of the zone in which our incredible Odessa is located can be called the best. Here the seasons are clearly defined – autumn – there is – autumn, winter, so – winter, and summer, although short, is so beautiful. Only now I realize that this is our last autumn in our hometown, before the war and our escape.

Greetings from Uzbekistan! Autumn, 2021, Odesa.

Sylvia and Kostya returned from a trip to Uzbekistan and threw a real Uzbek dinner party. Look how colorful it was! For some reason, Uzbekistan has been familiar to me since childhood, I remember Uzbek girls in skullcaps and braided pigtails. For some reason, at that time, their hats, which were called skullcaps, were in fashion, and it seems to me that I even had one. It’s strange, but it’s a fact. The guys brought me a gift, an amazing robe, and I remember it with regret. It remained at my home, and even if it had been with me here in Cyprus, I would hardly have had a reason to wear it. Привіт із Узбекистану! Осінь, 2021, Одеса. Сільвія і Костя повернулися з поїздки до Узбекистану і влаштували справжню узбецьку звану вечерю. Подивіться, як же це було барвисто! Для мене Узбекистан, чомусь знайомий з дитинства, я згадую узбецьких дівчаток у тюбетейках та заплетеними кісками. Чомусь у той час була мода на їхні шапочки, які називали тюбетейками і мені здається, що я навіть мала таку. Див

Roman Holiday. October, 2021

Image In October 2021, my long-time dream came true – we flew to Rome. Our incredible Silvia arranged the trip for us, for which we are sincerely grateful to her. Radu and I had been to Rome before, but only for one day, during our cruise. And even then, I began to dream of returning and just wandering the streets of Rome and enjoying the city and its beauty. We rented an apartment in the very center right next to the Colosseum. It was a room with a window overlooking the well courtyard. There were three of us, with our Marcel. The hostess did not show up during our check-in and we had to sleep all together on the first night in one bed. And when she showed up, she started screaming loudly that she would call the police – we have no right to sleep like that!!! It was her mistake because in the terms of our rental, we informed her that there were three of us. She corrected the mistake, but it was not easy for us – she did not understand a word of English, and we d

Genouezskaya, Odesa, 2021.

Image “There is a сity that I see in my dream… I cannot say that I am strongly attached to the place where I lived in the last years before the war. I changed my place of residence quite often. I easily feel at home in any place where I have lived for several years in a row. But Genouezskaya, where we settled with Radu after returning from Cape Town, became our home. The house where we expected to spend the rest of our lives. But this did not happen. It is true that no one can be sure of their future, even the nearest one. Everything can happen in the next minute… Yes, now it remains only to view photos. And what? What to do with it? One can only dream and pray that the war would end and we could even come to visit our home. Генуезька, Одеса, 2021. «Є місто, яке я бачу уві сні. Я не можу сказати, що сильно прив’язана до місця, де жила до початку війни. Я часто міняла місце проживання. Я легко почуваюся вдома у будь-якому