
Showing posts from February, 2025

24.02.2025 The war in Ukraine has been going on for three years.

Image My works, which I painted in the first months of the war, while in Cyprus, were already presented in October 2022 at the Ukrainian Art Week in Bruges, Belgium. On February 23, 2025, they were shown at the Event of Three Years of Large-Scale War in Ukraine, yesterday, February 23, 2025, in the Church of St. Magdalene in Bruges, Belgium: “Faith and Courage of Ukraine”. Organized by Ukrainian Community for supporting the city of Bruges. Thank you very much to all the organizers for their ability to take part in the fate of Svitlana Musina, Tatiana Ignatenko and photo reporter Karma Dondub Dennis Barbion 24.02.2025 Війна в Україні триває вже три роки. Сьогодні, 24 лютого, українці по всьому світу згадують, як розпочався їхній день. День, який ні ми, ні наші діти, ні наші онуки ніколи не забудемо. Мої роботи, які я написав у перші місяці війни, перебуваючи на Кіпрі, вже були представлені у жовтні 2022 ро...

Friday news from Limassol. February 2025. Hospital.

The main event of this week is a visit to the Limassol General Hospital. Ask why? I have a chronic pain in my right shoulder that has worsened. I have been painting every day for my entire life. 5 hours a day and rarely rest. A few years ago, the same thing happened in Odessa and I suffered for a long time until I found the right doctor at the Lermontov sanatorium. Having lived in Cyprus for the third year, I have practically never consulted local medicine, with the exception of one visit to the dentist. And now I have dared. Before I begin to describe my adventures, I must note that we, Ukrainians, have the opportunity not to pay for our visits. This is part of the support program. Day one. Sylvia previously told me that upon arriving at the hospital we must find the reception desk and make an appointment with a doctor. We couldn’t find the reception, but they sent us to the ambulance. There I managed to talk to the doctor, who immediately sent me… He said that we had to go to the Old...

20th of February. Smoky Thursday

Image Tsiknopempti  is part of the traditional celebrations of Apókries (Απόκριες) the  Greek Carnival  season. Tsiknopempti occurs on the second to last Thursday before  Lent  and can be translated as  Charred Thursday  or  Smoky Thursday . It centers on the consumption of large amounts of grilled and roasted meats before Lenten fasting commences Apokries (Carnival season) in Greece is made up of three themed weeks of celebration. These weeks are, in order:  Prophoní  (Προφωνή, ‘Preannouncement Week’),  Kreatiní  (Κρεατινή, ‘Meat Week’), and  Tiriní  (Τυρινή, ‘Cheese Week’) Tsiknopempti is the Thursday of  Kreatiní  and represents a highlight in a weeklong celebration of meat consumption. The festivities on Tsiknopempti revolve around large outdoor parties where massive amounts of meat are grilled or roasted. Often Tsiknopempti-like celebrations will occur again, ...

Friday news from Limassol. Winter, Troodos. February 2025.

Image This week, looking at the weather forecast, we realized that it had been snowing in Troodos for several days. Sylvia and her children had already gone there earlier. I was lucky enough to go with them on this tar and it was a real miracle. Just imagine, just 50 km from Limassol there is a real winter fairy tale. It was hard to believe. After driving for about 40 minutes and climbing up the mountains, we noticed tiny snowflakes, which quickly turned into a real snowfall. It seemed that on this day, all the inhabitants of the island decided to go to the mountains. A huge traffic jam formed on the road. We decided not to go up to Troodos and got out at the first possible parking lot. And before us opened the beauty of a pine forest with snow-covered trees, real snow, which I had not seen for many, many years, happy children and adults riding on modern sleds. It was wonderful. We had already been to the Troodos M...

Friday News. The difficulties of living in a foreign country. And the difficulties of Google translation.

These are the two topics of my Friday news. We have been living in Cyprus for 3 years now. We cannot complain that everyone here speaks Greek. In addition to English, the language of our enemies is also in common use. But sometimes it all confuses us. In Italy, preparations are in full swing for the huge exhibition Picta-25, thanks to my Online Gallery Binovska, our Ukrainian artists will participate in it. Initially, I decided to go there and take my works. But plans changed and I decided to send the works by mail. And here the second part of the story begins. In the conditions that I translated from Italian, it was stated that the works should be on site no later than February 20. So my works stood for a long time waiting for their time. In addition, as I understood from the translation, they needed to be delivered directly to the site. (This means courier delivery.) Radu and I went on reconnaissance. The first thing we did was go to Fedex. They said that they only ship for legal ent...

Summer 2022. Meanwhile in Cape Town

Summer 2022. Meanwhile... We are in Cyprus, and the other half of our family lives and enjoys life in Cape Town. The most important thing is that all our loved ones are safe now. Літо 2022 року. Тим часом... Ми на Кіпрі, а друга половинка нашої родини живе та насолоджується життям у Кейптауні. Найголовніше це те, що всі наші близькі знаходяться зараз у безпеці.

Our Children are our all! Life in Akrunta. 2022

Image Life in Akrunta. 2022 No matter what, life goes on, and together with children, who give us spontaneity and joy, we try to distract ourselves from sad and heavy thoughts. And here are the watermelons, which are incredibly sweet like all the fruits on the island - their time has come. Життя у Акрунті. 2022 Незважаючи ні на що життя продовжується і разом з дітьми, які дарують нам безпосередність і радість, ми намагаємося відволікатися від сумних та важких думок. А ось і кавуни, які неймовірно солодкі як і всі фрукти на острові-прийшла їхня пора.

Looked into the eyes of death. Akrunta, August 2022

Looked into the eyes of death. Akrunta, August 2022 ( Greetings. I continue my routine activities, post posts, and take care of the children and the household, and inside I feel empty. I can’t go to the easel. On Monday, we all looked into the eyes of death. It seems that we escaped from the war, but pain and suffering came after us. As they say, you can’t escape fate. We are born for life, but life can end so instantly that you don’t even have time to look back. On Monday, I almost lost the person closest to me - my Rada. He went out the glass door and the panes pierced his body. I have never seen such a sea of ​​blood flowing that does not stop. I thought that I would never become a nurse or an orderly. For half an hour, we provided Rada with first aid. We live in the mountains in a village and had to wait for an ambulance for more than 30 minutes, and they were endless. Luckily, our neighbors helped call it. Today, this night...

Cyprus, Limassol, 2022 The Ode to Pomegranates

Ode to Pomegranates For the third month now, we have been living in the lap of nature in the picturesque village of Akrounta, near Limassol. And every morning from our bedroom window I see a beautiful young pomegranate tree. When we first moved into our new house and I was getting to know our garden, I drew attention to this tree, and it seemed very familiar to me. Soon I discovered tiny fruits on it and then I realized that it was a pomegranate. Now there are more fruits, there are seven of them on the tree in total and they are starting to turn pink! I will let you know as soon as they are ready! Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree from the Lythraceae family. Originally, pomegranates grew in regions from modern Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan to northern India. Today, it is widely cultivated in the Middle East and Caucasus, North and tropical Africa, South Asia, Central Asia, drier part...