
Showing posts from June, 2024

Fiday News from Limassol, June, 2024

A long weekend awaits the citizens of Cyprus. All because on Monday, June 24, the island will celebrate the Day of the Holy Spirit or Cataclysmos. Walking the streets, don’t be surprised if you are suddenly flooded with water from around the corner. This is traditional entertainment for Cypriots. Since water is in the focus of the holiday, a symbol of purification and rebirth of new life, it is almost impossible to stay dry! Yes, and you don’t need to! In the ancient past, people believed that the sea element had cleansing powers. Those who came in contact with the dead (usually occurred on Saturday) had to be washed with the seawater. The thousand-year-old custom is still alive today. Only the ubiquitous pouring of water turned into a fun game, whose main goal is to get wet to the thread. Swimming, playing in the water or taking part in sea sports – everyone chooses for themselves. Main rule: Do not stay dry! Kataclysmos is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the folk tradition

Viburnum winter. Winter 2021.

Winter came, snow fell and the house became very cozy, as is usually the case in such weather. Silence sets in and it seems that all life falls asleep wrapped in a fluffy blanket of winter cover. And on these days and evenings, it’s nice to drink freshly prepared viburnum tea. Viburnum collected in sunny Кarolinо Bugaz, it reminds us of summer, but we don’t need it at all now, because we enjoy winter and tea. Isn't it? Калинова зима. Зима 2021 року. Настала зима, випав сніг і в будинку стало дуже затишно, як це зазвичай буває за такої погоди. Настає тиша і здається, що все життя засинає укутавшись у пухнасту ковдру зимового покриву. І в ці дні та вечори, приємно пити свіжоприготовлений чай із калини. Калини зібраної на сонячному Кароліно Бугазі, вона нагадує про літо, але нам це зараз зовсім ні до чого, адже ми насолоджуємося взимку та чаєм. Чи не так?

New Year 2021. Odesa.

I didn’t save any photos of New Year’s Eve and I understood why. Silvia and her whole family went to Egypt to celebrate the New Year, and Radu and I stayed at home and celebrated the holiday on our own and didn’t take any photos! But I have wonderful photos taken on January 2 during a walk along the Health Route and I will be happy to share them with you. Зустріч Нового 2021 року. Одеса. Фото зустрічі нового року у мене не збереглися, і я зрозуміла чому. Сільвія та вся її родина поїхали зустрічати Новий рік до Єгипту, а ми з Раду залишилися самі вдома та відзначали свято самі по собі та не робили фотографій! Зате у мене є чудові фото зроблені 2 січня під час прогулянки Трасою здоров’я і я із задоволенням поділюся ними з вами.

24 ИЮН 2024 June 25th is my Mother’s Memorial Day.

Maria Vasilievna Klimenko was born in 1927, which means that if she were alive, she would be 97 years old. She has not been with us for 22 years. During this time, we had 5 grandchildren, whom she did not have to see. The city of her birth, Bakhmut, was destroyed by the enemy horde, and we, her family, found ourselves temporarily displaced persons and had not seen our city and our country for three years, and had not visited the burial site for three years. The only thing left for us is memory. No one will ever take this away from us. Rest in peace, dear Maria Vasilievna and may you rest in peace. 25 червня-день пам’яті моєї мами. Марія Василівна Клименко народилася 1927 року, а це означає, що якби вона була жива, їй могло б виповниться 97 років. Із нами її немає вже 22 роки. За цей час у нас з’явилося 5 онуків, які їй не довелося побачити. Місто її народження Бахмут зруйноване ворожою ордою, а ми її сім’я виявились тимчасово переміщеними особами і вже три роки не бачили свого міста та

My Youtube. Autumn, Winter, 2020

My Mpumalanga. My solo exhibition in Lviv, Ukraine, 2009 Tourism Institute, SA, 2009 2008, "Rainbow Nation" solo exhibition by Tatyana Binovska in the Odessa Private Collection Museum "BREATH" by Tatyana Binovska

Friday news from Limassol. June 2024.

The end of my independence. Throughout my, one might say, long life, I tried to do everything on my own. I myself enrolled in an art school, I myself came to the decision not to grovel before the Union of Artists, but to go her own way, I myself chose a life partner. And already, together with my Radu, they created a family and built a future without anyone’s support. We were not business people, but we were able to create a decent position in society for our children. My profession and our achievements helped not only our family but also many other artists to live. Currently, we, like millions of Ukrainians, have found ourselves thrown overboard of life. Last year, we managed to maintain dignity and not be a burden on our girls’ shoulders, but this year things have gone wrong. For the first half of 2024, I would have only one order, and not a single sale of paintings. This puts me in an unusual state of deep depression, and also a quarrel with my daughter. So my dear friends, this wee

My “Model” successfully arrived to her new home.

My “Model” successfully arrived to her new home place in SYLVA, South Carolina, USA!!! It was in December 2020 that my author’s copy reached South Carolina, to its new home, where, I hope, it lives now. I don’t really like working directly with a client; it’s much more convenient for me to sell my work in collaboration with online art platforms, especially with Saatchi Art. But this time I had to keep myself busy and worry a little. Now I don’t remember the details of the problems that arose, but the client eventually sent an amount to my account that was even higher than the requested amount. This means that he really liked my work, and now it is in good hands! Моя “Model” успішно прийшла до свого нового будинку в SYLVA, South Carolina, USA!!! Саме в грудні 2020 року, моя авторська копія дісталася Південної Кароліни, свого нового будинку, де, я сподіваюся і живе зараз. Я не дуже люблю працювати безпосередньо з клієнтом, мені набагато зручніше продавати свої роботи при співпраці з інте

The birth of the project – “Symphony of Harmony”. December, 2020.

Image 2020 has become a time of limited communication for everyone. But we live in social networks and this provides new opportunities for inspiration. Now a boundless kingdom of information is open to us, and it was on the Internet that I met amazing people: Yan Stepanenko and Olga Makeeva, a fashion designer and his model. They inspired me to create a whole series of new works, for which I am immensely grateful to them! I noticed Janis’s work back in 2019, he caught my attention. But suddenly, unexpectedly, in some stories on Instagram, I saw a photo of the backstage of one of the photo shoots and it completely fascinated me. I made up my mind and wrote to Janis about my desire to collaborate with him. Janis, a nobleman, immediately responded and this became the starting point for the creation of a whole series of new paintings called Symphony of Harmony! So in December 2020, I

And in Cape Town, life goes on without us! Winter- Summer 2020.

Meanwhile, it’s summer in Cape Town and our loved ones are enjoying the warmth and wind! It’s joyful to look at summer photos of Cape Town in rainy winter Odesa. Life goes on and it is beautiful. А в Кейптауні життя продовжується без нас! Тим часом у Кейптауні літо та наші близькі насолоджуюся теплом та вітром! Радісно у дощовій зимовій Одесі дивитись на літні фото Кейптауна. Життя йде і воно прекрасне.

Odesa in Autumn. November 2020

Image I don’t know why, but in life I always miss autumn. This is probably why my memories of Odesa are so warm and sad. When we lived in Cape Town, I really missed autumn, and now in Cyprus, during our communication with Rada, I enjoy admiring the views of rainy Cape Town in autumn, especially when we have real heat here – +40. Everything is relative. I wrote a lot about my autumn feelings and I won’t once again overload you with them. I’ll just share the photos. Одеса осіння. Листопад 2020 року Я не знаю за що, але по життю мені весь час доводиться нудьгувати восени. Напевно саме тому мої спогади про Одесу, такі теплі і сумні. Коли ми жили в Кейптауні, мені дуже не вистачало осені, а тепер на Кіпрі я із задоволенням милуюсь під час нашого спілкування з Радою видами осіннього дощового Кейптауна, особливо коли у нас тут справжня спека-40. Все пізнається в порівнянні. Я багато писала про свої осінні відчуття і не стану в

Friday News from Limassol. June, 2024.

Image While preparing a post for you about the past week, I wanted to describe the events. But excuse me, it’s so hot that I can’t stand it. So I’m publishing pre-prepared material. I have already introduced you to the plants of our garden, and today I will introduce you to another one, popularly called the Elephant’s Foot. This year the plant bloomed again and very actively – clearly wanting to show us in all its glory! One thing I can add is that elephant foot flowers have an incredible smell, and the bees love the flowers and even late in the evenings they hover around and collect nectar. Beaucarnea recurvata, elephant’s foot or ponytail palm, is a species of flowering plant in the Asparagus family. This species was native to many states of eastern Mexico, but its distribution is now limited to the state of Veracruz. Despite its common name, it is not closely related to true palms (Arecaceae). It has become popular in

October 2000. Sylvia’s Culinary Masterclass

Image Silvia is holding her next culinary master class, This time in a new place. It is wonderful that new interesting photo locations are opening in Odesa. This time it was in Shevchenko Park in the building of the Chernomorets Stadium. Everything went as always at the highest level, and I was given the honor of shooting a video of the master class. Жовтень 2000 року Кулінарний Майстер-клас Сильвии Сільвія проводить свій черговий кулінарний майстер класb тепер уже на новому місці. Прекрасно, що в Одесі відкриваються нові цікаві фото локації. На цей раз це було в парку Шевченка в здані стадіону Черноморец. Все пройшло як завжди на самому високому рівні, а мені надано честь знімати відео майстер класу.