
Showing posts from September, 2024

February 20, 2023 – 2 days before the war. Sushi with the boys Theo and Georgy at Mango! Odesa.

This day is clearly imprinted in the memory of our grandchildren Theo and Georgiy. We love sushi very much. And in Odessa, the only place where you could enjoy your favorite food was the Mango Cafe. The boys and I ate there very, very tasty the day before the invasion. Now, being in Cyprus for the third year, we have not eaten real sushi even once. But we should not complain – Limassol gave us protection, and opportunities for our children’s business, and this is the most important thing! «20 лютого-за 2 дні до початку війни. Суші з хлопчиками Тео та Георгієм у Манго! Цей день чітко надрукувався в пам’яті наших онуків Тео та Георгія. Ми з ними дуже любимо суші. І в Одесі єдине місце, де можна було насолодитися улюбленою їжею, це кафе Манго. Ми з хлопчиками напередодні вторгнення дуже смачно поїли там. Нині, перебуваючи вже третій рік на Кіпрі, ми жодного разу не їли справжні суші. Але скаржитися нам не потрібно – Лімасол дав нам захист, можливості для бізнесу наших дітей, і це найголов

Portrait of my husband Radu. February, 2022.

Image My husband Radu has always been very handsome and still is. But I don’t know why I rarely paint his portraits. Once upon a time, when the gallery “Na Uyutnoy” existed, I painted his portrait in the style of Modigliani, and… sold it to a visiting Italian. I still regret it. Radu doesn’t like to pose and he doesn’t like excessive attention. But I decided that I simply had to paint his portrait. The portrait remained unfinished and still guards our abandoned apartment in Odessa right on the easel. We must believe and hope that we will still return home someday and I will finish this portrait. Портрет мого чоловіка Раду. Мій чоловік Раду завжди був дуже гарний і таким залишається досі. Але не знаю, чому я дуже рідко пишу його портрети.   Коли ще за часів буття галереї «На Затишній» я написала його портрет у стилі Модільяні, і… продала його приїжджому італійцю… Я й досі жалкую про це. Раду не любить позувати і він не лю

27 of September. Friday News from Limassol.

Image I recently watched the domestic film “Maxim Osa”, shot in 2022…/3930-serial-maksim-osa-serial… She experienced many feelings. In 2020, thanks to the cooperation with the famous Ukrainian couturier Anis Stepanenko, I painted a series of works Harmony Grace, and the impetus for its creation was the background of Yanis with the participation of actress Olga Makova.  I recognized her while watching the movie!  First, she had to make sure it was her. Yes, it was Olga who played the role of a witch in this wonderful film. I decided to watch it thanks to a publication, I don’t remember someone’s FB.  And I remember the moment that the actor who plays the main role, Maksym Osya, died. I found information about him! No words – we are losing the best sons, men of our people. Why is this happening to us? Why did a country with an immense territory and a great history end up in such a dire situation? Help me understand this a

Friday news from Limassol. September, 2024

The best news of this year is the new arrivals from Cape Town! Our Benjamin earns his first living as an Artist. You know, my canvas, on which I began to sketch for a new work, but never completed it, having made sketches and started writing! Ben would not study with me so often, in front of Charlotte, but, apparently, he was more and more surprised from the side, and that’s the result! I don’t know what will come out in the new form and how it will bring the plan to completion, but it’s incredibly acceptable! In Cyprus, the boys began to study at school, Marcel and Vidnya began to begin their work and autumn is slowly coming to the island. It’s a pity that Theo got sick. And Georgiy stopped training for football. I spoke with Sergiy Ryadchenko for days.   It’s so warm and welcoming to talk to your most wonderful friend. I am very glad that my  friends  have seen two new books and I hope to

My dream, 14th of September, 2024, Cyprus

"Влітку 2021 року я закінчую свою нову картину із серії «Симфонія благодаті». У світі стільки краси, і я ніколи не втомлюся милуватися шедеврами природи та витворами художників. Я щиро захоплююся творчістю французької художниці Клер Баслер та її вмінням малювати квіти в прекрасному Шато де Бовуар. Раніше я могла створювати картини, які в майбутньому стануть реальністю, а тепер вирішила помріяти і розмістити в замку приголомшливі моделі українського кутюр’є Яна Степаненка. Як чудово було б усім нам туди потрапити!" "In the summer of 2021, I will finish my new painting from the series "Symphony of Grace". There is so much beauty in the world, and I will never tire of admiring the masterpieces of nature and the works of artists. I truly admire the work of French artist Claire Basler and her ability to paint flowers in the beautiful Chateau de Beauvoir. Previously, I c

Christmas 2022. Odessa, Ukraine

  In my stories, I always write about the past and put everything that happens today on the back burner of my stories. But today I decided that this is not possible and I will write about our meeting of the new 2022 now. Our celebrations began with dinner at Sylvia’s on Catholic Christmas. In our family, it is customary to celebrate both Catholic and Orthodox Christmas. Sylvia set an amazing table as she knows how and decorated her apartment very beautifully. The day before, she had a Christmas tree fever – she had been looking for the tree of her dreams for a long time. We received her old tree as a gift, which we installed at our home. Even before Christmas, I received an incredible gift from Sylvia – a gift with a story. She gave me an iPad with a pen for drawing. Olya bought it for herself in Rome, and then decided to sell it. So Silvia bought it for me. Christmas Eve was wonderful and for the first time after a long fight Olya, Kostya’s mother, joined us. All the children were hap

Friday news from Limassol. September 2024.

The most important news of this week – our Marseille flew to Vienna yesterday! Our princess is starting an independent life. Each of our grandchildren has their own special character. We left Africa a long time ago and our connection with the children has weakened a little. But here in Cyprus, we communicate very closely with our grandchildren and they are, perhaps, our main friends, except for Sylvia. As for Marseille, she is a bit of a withdrawn person, like Rapunzel. She spends a lot of time withdrawn in her room and in her life. In three years here in Limassol, she has finally found company. Therefore, her departure, especially the day before, when we came to hug her on the way – she was very, very sad. I remembered and told her my story, when I had to leave my home and go to the village on assignment, to teach drawing and drafting and what came of it. I am sure that everything will work out wonderfully for our Marcel and I wish her wonderful adventures in her new life. П’ятничні н

New Year 2022. Odesa

The New Year has come, and The New Year has come, and  children have returned from Egypt. Having told us their scary stories about the storm and the rain. And in Odesa everything is fine and we went for a walk with the children to the sea. Everyone is dressed in branded suits from Marsiviar and we are all very comfortable in them. Новий 2022 рік. Одеса Настав новий рік, діти повернулися із Єгипту. Розповівши нам свої страшні історії про шторм та зливу. А в Одесі все гаразд і ми вирушили з дітками гуляти до моря. Всі одягнені у фірмові костюми від Марсівіару і нам у них усім дуже комфортно.

New works for my shop on Redbubble. 2022

Image I have collected here many of my works made for my page on Redbubble. I do not like an idle life, I like to be busy, just like now, describing to you the events of my past life. When doing something, I like to switch, switch between working on paintings, working in Photoshop, my notes, and selecting photographs, in short, I like to be busy. Нові роботи для мого магазину на Редбабл. Я тут зібрала багато своїх робіт, зроблених для моєї сторінки на Редбабл. Я не люблю марного життя, мені подобається бути зайнятою, так само як і зараз, описуючи для вас події мого минулого життя. Займаючись чимось, я люблю перемикатися, перемикатися з роботою над картинами, роботою у Фотошопі, своїми записками, відбором фотографій, коротше люблю бути зайнятою.

Preparing for the New Year 2022.

Image We, like all people on the planet, were preparing for the New Year. We were happy to provide our beloved boy Georgy with the pleasant task of charging our Christmas tree. He tried very, very hard. To celebrate the New Year, our children flew to Egypt again and their trip was not very pleasant. There, on New Year’s Eve, there was a terrible storm with rain and everything in the hotel was flooded. It seemed that nature was warning us all that something terrible would soon happen. Radu and I celebrated the New Year not at home, but at Sylvia’s. Her apartment was more comfortable and the tree was more elegant than ours, and they left the dog in our care. You remember the proverb that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend the whole next year – for us, this meant one thing – not AT HOME. So, unfortunately, it happened. Everything came true and for the third year we have been living not at HOME! Підготовка

2022- New Year. Greetings from South Africa.

We received warm, sunny greetings from Cape Town – there is a magnificent summer in full swing; our family is relaxing and enjoying the wonderful weather. How good it is – when we have summer, thanks to our Africans, we can see the cold and rain of Cape Town, when it is freezing here, we can rejoice that they have summer and a holiday for the soul. Новий рік. Привіт із Південної Африки. Тепле сонячне привітання, ми отримали з Кейптауна- там у розпалі розкішне літо- наша родина відпочиває та насолоджується чудовою погодою. Як же це добре- коли у нас літо, ми можемо бачити завдяки нашим африканцям, холод і дощі Кейптауна, коли у нас холодно, можемо радіти тому, що вони мають літо і свято для душі.

Friday News from Limassol, September, 2024

Yes, we are far from what is happening in our native country, but this does not make it any easier. The war takes away the lives of our citizens, takes away their dreams and plans, their joys and experiences. I hate every single muscovite, I can’t hear their language. And from the word LANGUAGE, the image of a monster devouring all living things on earth is born in the mind. September has begun, children all over the world are preparing for school, and a terrible danger awaits our children. Educational center in Poltava, students could not run to the shelter… “On September 3, Russian troops hit Poltava with two ballistic missiles. An educational institution and a residential building were hit. More than 50 people died, the number of injured is approaching 300. After 9 a.m. on September 3, several explosions rang out in Poltava. A few minutes before that, an air alert was announced in the region, the Air Force warned of the movement of the rocket in the direction of Poltava. The first d