Back to Cape Town! 2015

Back to Cape Town! And now it's time to leave our loved ones and go back to Cape Town. I remember the phrase of our Rada when she was returning home from some trip. At the border control at the Cape Town airport, she was affectionately told - "Welcome - home!" So we flew home and it seemed to us that our home was there. And of course, Rada and our children were glad to meet us. And Rada loves to organize real holidays and she does it very well. She immediately took me to the beautiful spa at the ONE&ONLY hotel on the Waterfront and we had a wonderful time there, and after that, we had breakfast with fresh oysters and champagne. Yes, it’s beautiful to live, you can’t forbid it! We are Home, but very, very soon everything will change Назад до Кейптауна! І ось настав час залишити наших близьких і повернутися назад до Кейптауна. Я пам'ятаю фразу нашої Ради, коли вона поверталася з якоїсь поїздки додому. На прикордонному контролі в аеропорту Кейптауна, їй ласкаво ска...