This is of course a loud name, but we all tried to arrange our life in the village. Silvia bought more and more flowers, and Radu planted them. Our daddy has a real gift for caring for plants. He feels them and under his golden hands everything blooms. But the climate of Cyprus does not allow jokes. In the summer it gets very, very hot, and the plants require daily watering. Radu even watered the olives that grew on the slopes growing on the slopes below the house. He took such good care of them that the following year they gave us a harvest in gratitude. This is a separate story and I will tell you about it when the time comes. While we lived together with Silvia, the plants were doing well. But then, when we moved, there was no one to take care of them, because both Silvia and Kostya were at work all day long. Ландшафтний дизайн в Акрунті. 2022. Лімасол Це, звичайно, гучна назва, але ми всі намагалися облаштувати наше життя в селі. Сільвія купувала нові й нові квіти, Раду розсаджував...