Cape Town. Babylon Storen Estate.

Babylon Storen with Radu. Not much time has passed since my departure to Tanzania, but I already managed to miss my family and friends, and they, in turn, miss me. So, now I was able to enjoy the wonderful company of my dear Radu Binovsky to my heart's content, and we went with him to have fun in Babylon Storen Estate, which I already told you about! In Cape Town, great importance is attached to the development of wineries, and already established ones are making every effort to make their business profitable. And here it is not only about the cultivation of grapes and its processing, but also about the presentation of the economy itself. Babylon stren, created in the likeness of the historical Company Gardens, from which South Africa itself began. Here, in addition to wine fields, vegetable gardens are planted, where all the vegetables and fruits that have taken root in these parts grow. In addition, visitors are please...