Friday. News from emigration. Limassol.

Friday. News from emigration. Limassol. This week I felt the full weight of my age. The severity of the consciousness that age is not a stupid joke, it's all very serious. Lots of loss news this week. Loss of loved ones and friends. It hurts a lot, but I understand that it is inevitable. And no matter where you are at home or in exile, the news is that the birds find you everywhere. On my FB page, I wrote about the passing of the wonderful people I was lucky to meet in my life. This is Valery Ivanovich and Elena Dmitrievna Shcherbina. They did not leave now, but I learned about their death this week. My classmates are passing away, and Zhenya Sokolsky and Kolya Ordyan are no longer with us - what an unbearable sadness. And a friend of my youth, Edik Voloshin, has died. None of those who left were victims of the war, but thinking about all of them, I understand that they have already felt better and they will not have to worry about the fate of our country. And we are still here. Bu...