African nature. Big Five. Buffalo

Saturday- is a Day of African nature and I will continue stories about BIG FIVE! For some reason, it always seemed to me and I have already said that buffaloes are the most dangerous animals of the Big Five, most likely because of their unpredictability. The African (black) buffalo is the largest of all bulls. In the list of the most dangerous animals in Africa, it takes 3rd place - much more people die from it. The main enemy of these large animals is large cats. When crossing the river, during migration, they also become a delicacy of the Nile crocodile. Buffaloes live in herds of 20-30 individuals without leaving the territory for 10-36 years. The male has black, dark grey hair. The female is smaller and reddish in colour. A young bull weighs about a ton, an old one weighs about 1200 kg, a height of 1.8 m, a length of 3–3.5 m. The horns are very strong: not a single bullet can penetrate them. In times of danger, animals reach speeds of up to 57 km / h. The buffalo is unpredicta...