Cape Town. Festival in Company Gardens, 2015
Festival dedicated to education in the Company Gardens. I have already told you that in Cape Town, when you go for a walk, it is impossible to predict what awaits you. It happened to us and this time, Radu and I got to an amazing festival - the Festival was dedicated to the need for education in South Africa. In addition to charmingly colorful characters, each of which is worthy of an artist's brush, amazing sculptures were placed in the park. The Gardens Company is a place where there are always a lot of vacationers, so holding such events is very important for the development of young people and raising their self-esteem. I don't know about you, but I had a lot of fun here Фестиваль присвячений освіті у парку Компанії Гарденс. Я вже розповідала вам про те, що в Кейптауні, коли ти виходиш на прогулянку неможливо передбачити, що тебе чекає. Так сталося з нами і цього разу, ми з Радою потрапили на дивовижний фестиваль- Фестиваль бу...