
Life in forced displacement. Limassol. Fresh catch. 2022

It was difficult and unnecessary for us to sit in the apartment.  We went for walks along the embankment.  In our area, the Dasoudi beach area, the route along the embankment was short. But in any case, only walks, despite the unfriendly beach, black sand, and strolling Russians, calmed our souls a little.  And sometimes you could come across amazing things, such as, for example, a fresh catch - octopuses! Have you ever seen freshly caught octopuses? No?  Well, I saw them for the first time.  These rare minutes helped us to maintain common sense and not to cry from melancholy and pain. Життя на вимушеному переселенні. Лімасол. Свіжий улов. Сидіти у квартирі нам було складно і не потрібно. Ми вибиралися на прогулянки набережною.  У нашому районі, районі пляжу Дасуді, маршрут уздовж набережної був коротким. Але в будь-якому випадку, тільки прогулянки, незважаючи на непривітність пляжу, чорний пісок і росіян, трохи заспокоювали наші душі.  А іноді можна було зустріти і дивовижні речі, так

Rtistig NFT Auction, Singapore 7-10 April 2022

Image On April 7, the NFT Auction of the Singapore Art Platform was held, and Ukrainian artists soon took part. And it was surprising for all those from whom the works were purchased. Of course, it was nice and significantly distracted and entertained all of us in these troubled times. But to be honest, I still do not understand the point of this NFT. Currently, there are a huge number of scammers who do not hesitate to make money on poor artists who do not know the ways of shameless deception. But at that moment, maybe for the promotion and advertising of the new Art Platform, we really received fees. They bought a picture made in Photoshop from me for $ 500, and I am not ashamed to admit that I am not a big expert in Photoshop! At that time, it was very important and it was very nice to feel that someone needs you as an artist! Ртистиг НФТ Аукціон, Сінгапур 7-10 Квітня 2022 7 квітня відбувся НФТ Аукціон Сінгапурської Арт Платформи нев

The first month of forced displacement. Limassol, March 2022

Image My fear, my pain.  At this time, having received the opportunity to work out of sight of the whole family, I began for the first time in my life to splash out my horror from what had happened to us. All my life, I tried to reflect the beauty of the life around me in my work and I did not recognize those artists who shared their grief and experiences. I was sure that having received a GIFT, artists should ease the hardships of people’s lives. But at that moment, I could not resist. I was not under fire, I did not see killed and wounded people, but I have an imagination and I was scared. I locked myself in a room, warned my loved ones and asked no one to come to me. I wrote my work “Pain”. After a while, it, among others, was presented at an exhibition in Bruges, where it is currently located. Перший місяць вимушеного переселення. Лімасол, Березень 2022 Мій страх, мій біль. У цей час, отримавши можливість працювати н

The first month of forced displacement. Market. Limassol. March, 2022

Our patrons Chris and Katerina did not leave us alone with our grief. They tried to entertain us. Such entertainment was an invitation to visit the local market. By the way, I really love markets. As you remember, I have many videos and photos from the market in Cape Town, and our famous Privoz, how much it costs. I have been to the market in Mumbai and Melbourne. During the beginning of spring, the Limassol market looked, one might say, even completely unattractive. But our patrons were very, very kind to us and bought food for us and it was very touching. After visiting the market, they took us to a restaurant to feed us. We felt like victims and those who needed help and patronage, a very humiliating state. But that is what we were. Перший місяць на вимушеному переселенні. Ринок. Лімасол. Наші покровителі Кріс та Катерина не залишали нас на єдині зі своїм горем. Вони намагалися розважати нас. Такою розвагою стало запрошення на відвідування місцевого ринку. Я, до речі, дуже люблю рин

March 2022. Our life in Pecora Court, Limassol.

The first month of our life in Pecora Court, Limassol Everything is very gloomy. The yard is full of mutilated cats. Nearby is an abandoned yard of a former hotel. I walk the dog in the mornings. Radu and I were given a separate bedroom with a separate bathroom. The boys settled in the living room. I can work right in our room. Russians walk the streets. The mood is lousy. Somehow Sylvia managed to take several suitcases with things for the children out of Ukraine. And it was incredibly touching, I wanted to cry. And we cried almost every day anyway. Березень 2022 року. Наше життя в Пекора Корт, Лімасол. Перший місяць нашого життя в Пекора Корт. Все дуже похмуро. Двір забитий понівеченими котами. Поруч занедбаний двір колишнього готелю. Я вранці гуляю із собачкою. Нам із Раду виділили окрему спальню з окремою ванною кімнатою. Хлопчики влаштувалися у вітальні. Я можу працювати прямо у нашій кімнаті. Росіяни ходять вулицями. Настрій препаршивіший. Якимось чином Сільвії вдалося вивезти з

Limassol Zoo. March 20, 2022

The first days of our new life in Limassol were very sad. My heart was breaking, my soul was aching. But how good it was that we were all together. And our Sylvia came up with different things so that we could feel like people. Through our Ukrainian volunteers, she found out that there would be a meeting of our compatriots at the Limassol Zoo and we decided to join. Of course, we walked again, but the zoo is only halfway to the Marina, which we had already walked to. We arrived on time, did not find anyone, although there were two women standing near the entrance, apparently the organizers of the meeting, but we were embarrassed to approach them. Maybe they had an agreement about a non-refundable visit to the zoo. We did not take advantage of this, but decided to go to the zoo anyway. I have seen many different zoos in the world, this one was nothing special. But we at least got a little distracted and just walked around. Thanks to our daughter for insisting on going for a walk. Зоопар

First artwork of wartime. Limassol, 2022.

As I already told you, now I have everything to start working. I really wasn’t used to living without creating new paintings. And for Sylvia and the children, the smell of paints in the apartment created an atmosphere of home. I painted my first works, small format, they were yellow and blue zebras and giraffes. We gave both of these works to our patron Chris as a token of gratitude. By the way, Chris is interested in art and has a collection. Even during our time in Ukraine, he bought works by our artists, including mine. 2022 Життя в імміграції. Перші роботи воєнного часу. Як я вам уже розповідала, тепер я мав усе, щоб почати роботу. Я справді не звикла жити без того, щоб створювати нові картини. Та й для Сільвії та дітей запах фарб у квартирі створював атмосферу будинку. Я написала свої перші роботи, невеликого формату, це були жовто-блакитні зебри та жирафи. Це обидві роботи, ми на знак подяки подарували нашому покровителю Крісу. До речі, Кріс цікавиться мистецтвом і має колекцію.