
Friday news from Limassol. January 2025. Our Rada’s birthday!

  Our Rada’s and Nikolai Panteleimonovich’s birthday. Our African girl had a birthday this week. Many of my friends were born on January 14. But besides my Rada, I always congratulate a person whose name is associated with many wonderful events! This is Nikolai Pavlyuk. And this time, of course, I had a hard time getting through to him. I am very pleased with Nikolai Panteleimonovich’s cheerful spirit and great mood, and despite the fact that I called to congratulate him, he shared his inexhaustible energy with me. And our sunny girl began her birthday celebration with an early climb up the mountain. And Radu and I reconstructed the events of that day in Odessa in the smallest details in the evening. П’ятничні новини Лімассола. Січень 2025. День народження нашої Ради! День народження нашої Ради та Миколи Пантелеймоновича. У нашої африканської дівчинки цього тижня був день народження. Серед моїх друзів 14 січня народилося дуже багато людей. Але окрім моєї Ради я завжди вітаю людину,...

Limassol. 2022. To the beach.

Probably for the first time in a long time since moving, we finally got to the beach and it took a lot of effort. There are seven people in our family and it is difficult to fit everyone in one car. At the same time, I remember our departure from Ukraine on the first day of the war. But then there were only six of us and a dog. Since our girl Marcel is not a big fan of the beach, we went with six. And by now I can’t even remember which of the beaches in Limassol we visited then. Memory has erased these details. Лімасол. 2022. На пляж. Напевно вперше за довгий час з моменту переїзду ми нарешті вибралися на пляж і це коштувало багато зусиль.   У нашій сім’ї семеро людей і поміститися в одну машину всім разом складно. При цьому я згадую наш виїзд з України в перший день війни. Але тоді нас було лише шестеро і собака.   Так як наша дівчинка Марсель не велика любителька пляжу, ми поїхали у шістьох. А зараз я і не згадаю на якому з пляжів Лімассола ми тоді побували. Пам’ять стерла ц...

Akrunta News. 2022. Strange Dragonfly

In the village of Akrоunta we are surrounded by wild nature, I showed and told you about the hill, the stones adjacent to the backyard of the house, about various reptiles and insects, and this time I will show you an incredible dragonfly. It flew to us, but in all likelihood was injured, so it remained with us as a specimen for study and photography. c Новины из Акрунти! Дивна бабка. У селі Акрунта нас оточує дика природа, я вам показувала і розповідала про пагорб, про каміння прилеглих до заднього двору будинку, про різні плазуни та комахи, а цього разу я покажу вам неймовірну бабку. Вона залетіла до нас, але ймовірно була поранена, так що так і залишилася у нас у вигляді екземпляра для вивчення та фотозйомки.

Akrounta. 2022. I painted sunflowers.

We live in Akrounta. Sylvia and Kostya are at work all day, and I have a huge hall at my disposal, where I found a place to work. Of course, I like the idea of ​​an artist working in his personal studio all his life. But this did not happen to me and I can easily settle down anywhere, in any city and in any country. The main thing is to have a canvas, an easel, and materials. Of course, I remember my Uytnaya and Maritime Gallery, where I worked next to a panoramic window overlooking the port and harbor, and my studio apartment on Fresnaya and Beloved Noordhoek, but at that time I didn’t feel bad either. I can’t complain. It was at this time that I painted the new dedication to my beloved Ukraine, our SUNFLOWERS! Which will soon be sold through Saatchi Gallery. соняшники Акрунта. 2022. Пишу соняшники. Живемо у Акрунті. Сільвія та Костя цілими днями на роботі, а в моєму розпорядженні величезний хол у якому я знайшла собі місце для роботи. Мені звичайно подобається тем’я, коли художник вс...

Friday News from Limassol. January 2025

On January 1, Cyprus, like many Orthodox countries, celebrates the day of St. Basil the Great. Cypriots call him Agios Vasilios. This holiday is inextricably linked with the traditions of the New Year because St. Basil is one of the most revered Christian saints, symbolizing kindness, wisdom, and generosity. St. Basil the Great (c. 330-379) was an outstanding theologian, mon,k, and bishop of the city of Caesarea (the territory of modern Turkey). He was born into a noble Christian family and received a good education in Constantinople and Athens. Basil dedicated his life to serving God, fighting for the purity of faith, and helping the poor. He is called “the Great” for his contribution to Christian theology and the scale of his charitable work. Saint Basil founded the first shelters for the poor, hospitals, and hospices, which became the prototype of modern charities. January 1 is associated with the memory of Saint Basil, as it was on this day in 379 that he died. In the Orthodox trad...

On the mountain. Akrounta. Summer 2022.

Our house in Akrounta, or rather not ours, but rented, is on a hill overlooking the village. The back of the house, you could say, rests against the mountain that rises above it. While we settled in and adapted to life in a new place, it did not occur to us to climb the mountain and see what was there. I became curious and invited the boys to climb with me. Still, you need to know where you live and what surrounds you. It turned out that there is completely wild nature, without any paths, you had to walk almost waist-deep in dry grass. Everything dries up in the summer in Cyprus since there is practically no rain. We walked and I was afraid the boys would suddenly see a snake, but this did not happen to us. We walked safely and successfully returned home! But now we had an idea of ​​​​what was above us! All this, of course, distracted from thoughts about what was happening in our country. На горі. Акрунта. Літо 2022 року. Наш будинок в Акрунті, точніше сказати не наш, а орендований сто...

New Pool in Akrounta, 2022

Image The Cypriot summer is in full swing. The beach can only be reached by car, and there is no cold water in the taps to take a cool shower. Kostya made a decision and bought a swimming pool. This was a good way out of the situation and a great joy for the children. True, they went to visit the neighbor’s pool from time to time, Nikos has two sons and the youngest is almost the same age as Georgiy, a little older. So now we had the opportunity to jump into the pool at any time. В нас в Акрунті з’явився басейн. Кіпрське літо у розпалі. На пляж можна дістатися тільки машиною, а кранах взагалі немає холодної води, щоб прийняти прохолодний душ. Костя прийняв рішення та купив басейн. Це стало гарним виходом зі становища та величезною радістю для дітей. Правда вони час від часу ходили в гості в сусідський басейн, у Нікоса-двоє синів і молодший майже віку Георгій, трохи старший. Тож тепер у нас була можливість будь-якої миті застрибнути в басейн.