Save my Ukraine!
Now I am far from home and a whole month has passed since that one terrible day- 24 of February, when I woke my husband up with the words: "Get up, it has begun." A whole month and the pain in my soul does not subside. From time to time I meet people, my native Ukrainians with small flags, mostly women with children and just single women. I mentally want to go up to them and hug them. But I can’t, I can’t, because my soul is torn from pain and my heart cannot hear terrible stories. Forgive me, relatives, that I quietly pass by. And now about the artwork: I painted this painting in sunny and happy Cape Town in 2011 - it is one of my "Angels" series. With this series, it didn’t work for me, the work, either by chance or by the unwillingness of the Universe to accept my theme, began to deteriorate in the galleries, one after another. They got hurt and I stopped. I repainted this artwork, now it is completely different and turned into "Lady Autumn and Lady ...